Code of Conduct




We expect our Suppliers to act with integrity and transparency in all transactions



Suppliers should conduct operations in ways that ensure humane and productive work environments



Honest dealing with customers and suppliers is essential to sound business relationships



Any information or data regarding Liquidity Services operations shall be treated by Suppliers as confidential at all times



Suppliers are expected to conduct their operations in a way that minimizes the impact on natural resources and protects the environment, customers, and employees



It is the responsibility of each Supplier to ensure that its employees and representatives understand and comply with this Supplier Code of Conduct.

Suppliers must comply with applicable wage and hour labor laws and regulations governing employee compensation and working hours. Suppliers should conduct operations in ways that limit overtime to a level that ensures a humane and productive work environment. Child labor is strictly prohibited. Suppliers are prohibited from employing workers below the legal minimum working age as defined by local or regional regulation. However, under no circumstances will Liquidity Services work with Suppliers who employ children under the age of 14.
Health and Safety
Suppliers must provide workers with a safe and healthy work environment. They should take proactive measures that support accident prevention and minimize health risk exposure.
Ethical Dealings
Honest dealing with customers and suppliers is essential to sound business relationships. Liquidity Services seeks to give all potential suppliers fair consideration. Decisions are based on objective criteria such as price, quality, and service capability as well as a Supplier’s reliability and integrity. Giving or receiving any kickbacks, bribes, or similar payments of any sort is prohibited. Suppliers are required to demonstrate these same high ethical standards and to conduct all business transactions with integrity and fairness. Suppliers may not act in any way, in their business relationship with Liquidity Services or otherwise, that violates the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.K. Bribery Act, or any other antibribery law around the world. Suppliers must only use suppliers that do not violate ethical standards through bribes, kickbacks, or other similar improper or unlawful payments. Giving or promising to give anything of value to induce an official to affect any governmental act or decision, or to assist the company in obtaining or retaining business or securing any improper advantage, is strictly prohibited. If any Liquidity Services employee, or any other person, requests such a payment, Suppliers are required to report such a request to the Liquidity Services Compliance and Ethics Hotline.
Suppliers shall keep thorough and accurate documentation of all transactions performed on behalf of Liquidity Services. Payments to Suppliers will only be made against detailed invoices. Payments made on behalf of Liquidity Services will only be reimbursed against documentary support.
Confidential Information
Suppliers must respect Liquidity Services intellectual property, trade secrets, and other confidential, proprietary, or sensitive information and may not use or disclose any such information except in accordance with their contract with Liquidity Services and for the benefit of Liquidity Services. Any information or data regarding Liquidity Services operations shall be treated by Suppliers as confidential at all times unless that information enters the public domain through no fault of the Supplier. The Supplier’s obligations with respect to Liquidity Services confidential or proprietary information include: (i) not to disclose this information to other people within the Supplier’s organization except on a strict “need to know” or “need to use” basis; (ii) not to disclose this information to persons outside of the Supplier’s organization; and (iii) not to use this information for the Supplier’s own benefit or the benefit of any other person.
Gifts and Entertainment
Suppliers should be aware that it is not permissible for Liquidity Services employees to give or receive gifts, payments, or other benefits that influence any business decision or that create the appearance of influencing any business decision. Suppliers are therefore discouraged from providing any gifts, and may not provide any gift or other benefit that is in violation of the Gifts and Entertainment Policy (the “Policy”). Under this Policy, most gifts or benefits of more than $100 to or from a Liquidity Services employee require prior approval from that employee’s supervisor
Suppliers are expected to conduct their operations in a way that minimizes the impact on natural resources and protects the environment, customers, and employees. They must ensure their operations comply with all laws related to air emissions, water discharges, toxic substances, and hazardous waste disposal. They must maintain sufficient knowledge of input materials and components to ensure they were obtained from permissible sources, in compliance with laws and regulations. Suppliers may be required to validate compliance with these standards.
Subcontracting production or labor without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that allowed subcontractors are in compliance with Liquidity Services’ Supplier Code of Conduct and must provide proof of compliance upon request.
Export/Import Regulations
Suppliers must adhere to all applicable trade and import regulations that apply to their activities, including those issued by the U.S. government and countries into which they will be importing goods or materials.
Management Systems
To the extent permitted by law, Liquidity Services expects its Suppliers to have in place reasonable and appropriate systems through which allegations of wrongdoing may be investigated and remediated. Liquidity Services expects that its Suppliers will fully investigate allegations of wrongdoing within their own organizations. Suppliers must notify Liquidity Services in writing if Suppliers become aware of wrongdoing by their own employees or others related to products or services provided to, or on behalf of, Liquidity Services.

In addition, a Supplier must immediately notify Liquidity Services in writing upon becoming aware of any negative or other adverse publicity concerning the Supplier or any product or service being supplied to Liquidity Services by the Supplier, or any event or circumstance related to the Supplier that could be expected to cause negative or other adverse publicity concerning Liquidity Services.

It is the responsibility of each Supplier to ensure that its employees and representatives understand and comply with this Supplier Code of Conduct. Failure to adhere to the Supplier Code of Conduct may be grounds for terminating the Supplier relationship depending on the seriousness of the violation and the particular circumstances.

Audit Rights
Liquidity Services reserves the right to audit Suppliers from time to time to verify compliance with this Code of Conduct. An audit may comprise a site or multiple site visits, reviews of relevant documentation, and/or interviews with key employees.

Compliance and Ethics Hotline

Suppliers and their employees are encouraged to use the Liquidity Services Compliance and Ethics Hotline to report wrongdoing. This Hotline is not intended to circumvent the Suppliers’ own internal reporting mechanisms, but rather to supplement them. Suppliers and their employees may also contact the Liquidity Services Compliance Department directly with any questions or reports. The Compliance Department may be reached by email at



Liquidity Services is committed to the highest standards of integrity.