
The Five Best Books on the Circular Economy to Dive Into This Summer

The Five Best Books on the Circular Economy to Dive Into This Summer

Summer is here—the perfect time to unwind with a good book. Here are our top picks for anyone looking to learn about the circular economy and its role at an industrial level, including procurement and facility management perspectives.


Circular Procurement in 8 Steps by Cécile Van Oppen, Godard Croon, and Dirk Bijl de Vroe

Joan Prummel on LinkedIn: #circulareconomy #circularprocurement | 11 commentsThis free e-book provides a practical approach to integrating circular economy principles into a procurement process. Starting with the ‘why’ of circularity, it follows steps that include internal collaboration, procurement procedures, developing criteria, and contract management.

Read it for free here.

The Circular Economy: A User’s Guide by Walter R. Stahel

The Circular Economy: A User's Guide: Stahel, Walter R: 9780367200176: BooksWith a refreshed framework for understanding and applying the principles of a circular economy at the industrial level, The Circular Economy: A User’s Guide offers key themes and insights tailored for managers and policymakers, as well as practical examples and case studies.

Buy it here.*

The Circular Economy: A Wealth of Flows by Ken Webster

The Circular Economy: A Wealth of Flows - 2nd Edition: Webster, Ken, MacArthur, Dame Ellen, Stahel, Walter: 9780992778460: BooksThe second edition of Ken Webster’s original 2015 book, The Circular Economy: A Wealth of Flows details the circular economy’s positive impacts on manufacturing, production, education, climatic changes, employment, and finance.

Buy it here.*

Waste to Wealth by Peter Lacy and Jakob Rutqvist

Waste to Wealth: The Circular Economy AdvantageAfter analyzing various companies, the authors of Waste to Wealth explore five different circular economy business models and provide several strategies manufacturing companies can implement to improve the life cycle of their equipment and products by incorporating a circular growth model.

Buy it here.*

The Circular Economy Handbook by Peter Lacy, Jessica Long, and Wesley Spindler

Can we align manufacturing and consumption systems with sustainability? Can companies create competitive advantage and genuine impact through the circular economy? In The Circular Economy Handbook, the Waste to Wealth authors go beyond their assertion that the circular economy advantage exists and detail how organizations can realize it at speed and scale – but it will require more than incremental adjustments to business as usual.  

Buy it here.*

Whether you’re seeking sustainable strategies to generate capital or planning to drive sustainable change within your organization, these books provide comprehensive knowledge and actionable steps. So grab a book, find a comfortable spot, and dive into the world of circular economy this summer.

Your journey toward sustainable innovation starts here. 


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If you would like to learn how to start leveraging the circular economy, let’s talk. Contact us today!