Liquidity Services Converts Client’s Semiconductor Surplus Equipment Into $4.5M

Liquidity Services Converts Client’s Semiconductor Surplus Equipment Into $4.5M

10 Countries

With Buyers


Total Bids


Unique Bidders


Our client, a semiconductor industry leader with a significant presence in several countries worldwide, needed support managing the sale or internal distribution of its surplus assets across various international locations.


Varying market conditions and distinct regulatory environments in each country of operation were obstacles for our client. To overcome these hurdles, they sought a partner capable of providing a customized management strategy for their global asset sales. They sought a comprehensive solution that encompassed:

  • Appraisal of market value for its surplus assets.
  • Support in internal asset transfer processes.
  • Assistance in the external sale or disposal of these assets.

It was critical for our client to partner with an organization with a global reach and the local resources and expertise to manage such a program.

Our client prioritized global service capabilities and strict compliance with international trade laws, so their partner needed to uphold high standards of trustworthiness, transparency, and compliance, particularly in adhering to trade, export, and customs regulations.

Eagle ETS364


To address these client challenges, Liquidity Solutions proposed a tailored solution that leveraged our extensive knowledge of asset management, our access to global markets, and our ability to efficiently provide time-critical solutions. The approach was designed to enable our client to manage its surplus assets globally without significant investment in internal resources.

Liquidity Services distinguished itself through:

  • A substantial global reach, particularly in Asia.
  • Expertise and established presence in key Asian markets, crucial for the semiconductor sector.
  • A proven track record of successful sales and auctions in multiple countries.

Given that buyers in China, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan purchase most second-hand semiconductor equipment, Liquidity Services’ expansive network in Asia was a critical factor in our client’s success. With sales through various auctions totaling $4.5M, transactions spanned across 10 countries, involving a diverse pool of bidders underscoring Liquidity Services’ global reach and effectiveness in asset management.

LeCroy Oscilloscope
Advantest T2000 Test System and Reid Ashman Manipulator – MVT2k-02
Agilent 93K

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North America

Bryan Cierley
Business Development
[email protected]


Jack Potter
Business Development
[email protected]


Rachel He
Business Development
[email protected]
+86 18721065570

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