Publicly Traded Manufacturing Company Receives Timely Valuation on Restructured Facility

    Publicly Traded Manufacturing Company Receives Timely Valuation on Restructured Facility


    days to complete valuation


    offices to coordinate valuation


    valuation of facility and assets


    A large publicly traded manufacturing company based in the U.S. was reorganizing and decided to sell one of its international locations as part of the restructure. In order to sell the facility, the potential buyers required a valuation of the property. The client reached out to Liquidity Services’ valuation team to assist with providing a quick response to this need.


    Utilizing Liquidity Services’ current proprietary transactional database generated from government, capital asset, and consumer transactions, the Liquidity Services’ valuation team provided relevant guidance to properly assess the facility. The team spent three days on site to compile detailed information and asset values for assets located on site and marked for sale.


    Over the process, challenges such as language barriers, international travel, and requirements added post-contract did not delay the team in swiftly and expertly pulling together its analysis. Within a short period of 10 days, the Liquidity Services team had a detailed report of information on the value of the facility and its assets for the client to use in negotiation with potential buyers. This information was actually provided in advance of the requested deadline, giving the client additional time to prepare its buyer follow-up. The resulting valuation and auction proposal coordinated efforts from four offices and resulted in a successful sale for the client.

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