Prior to the pandemic, DESSO’s focus was on operating their public retail store and selling the state’s surplus equipment online. However, in response to the pandemic, during most of 2020 and 2021, DESSO had to divert its attention to distributing personal protective equipment (PPE), which was desperately needed across the state.
When surplus operations normalized, it became time to develop a “back-to-business” rollout of services that DESSO could safely offer to the public under the new pandemic guidelines. DESSO faced three main challenges:
A drop in inventory
Due to widespread telework and office closures throughout the state, the program saw a significant drop in their normal inventory.
Reopening protocols
State guidelines were not yet established so reopening the public retail store didn’t seem feasible or safe to do during the height of the pandemic.
Surplus management
DESSO is responsible for the surplus management of multiple smaller agencies across the state. They needed a solution that would allow them to sell these items in their original locations.