Press Releases
Feb 25

Liquidity Services Auction Watch

Assets from Oil and Gas, Petrochemical and Power Companies
Available for Sale Online at

(NASDAQ: LQDT), a global solution provider in the reverse
supply chain with the world’s largest marketplace for business surplus,
is pleased to announce two sales of new and used surplus assets from oil
and gas facilities located in North and South America. Information about
the sales can be found on Network
an e-commerce marketplace where more than 150 categories of energy
assets from small, medium-size and Fortune 1000 companies are sold to a
global base of three million registered buyers in almost 200 countries
and territories.

The first
, which opens today and closes on July 25, 2017, features more
than 25 lots of rolling stock and construction equipment from the
California, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and Utah facilities of a leading
global engineering, construction and project management firm, two
multinational energy corporations, and the largest energy infrastructure
company in North America. Specific items up for bid include multiple
Freightliner Startrans passenger buses, Freightliner and International
Paystar concrete trucks and utility semi-trailers.

The second
is a sealed bid sale for more than 35 assets from several
multinational oil and gas companies located in Columbia, Italy and the
U.S. The sale, which opens today and closes on July 26, 2017, includes a
variety of unused and used line pipe, casing, wellheads and a locomotive
rail car.

“As the oil and gas industry continues to navigate the current
environment, energy companies are looking for ways to improve their
bottom line,” said Gardner Dudley, president of Liquidity Services’
Capital Assets Group. “The resale of capital assets on energy-specific
marketplaces like Network International is an attractive solution for
both buyers and sellers — it’s a good way for sellers to generate cash
flow, and buyers can purchase the equipment they need at a lower price.
Capturing value from their supply chain is a simple, yet effective
strategy energy companies can use to provide real financial value during
a time of uncertainty.”

Sellers interested in leveraging our proven track record and global
buyer base to maximize value for their equipment can register here
to connect with our Network International team.

To place bids on items for sale in this auction, or to participate in
any auction on a Liquidity Services marketplace, please register.

Source: Liquidity Services

Liquidity Services
Jeanette Hanfling, 202-467-5723
Director of
Public Relations