Ask not what you can do for your government, but what you can buy off it in surplus. Hall County and local city governments are finding that the website auction is bringing in more cash for older vehicles and equipment than the local auctions that were used before. Read the... read more →
Cities and counties are struggling and having to cut back to keep operating in this rough economy. And Dougherty County is no exception. But--the county may have a little more help than it would have otherwise through a website called Read the Article
If you're like most people, you've had those days when you needed to buy a new watch, a new pair of pants, a new pingpong table, a new ambulance, a new water treatment plant or a new dental X-ray machine. Problem is, you don't have much time. What you really... read more →
It's probably not an ideal pairing of auction items - a Dictaphone, seeking a minimum bid of $5, and a firetruck, which would require at least $25,000. But strange combinations are the norm and part of the charm and interest at, an online auction site where cities, towns, counties... read more →
There was no way to know whether any of the 55 battered military surplus trucks parked five deep on a vast and muddy field at the Defense Supply Center Columbus would actually start. All 55 will go on sale today in one of the hundreds of online auctions that Government... read more →
Ready for spring planting? Well, does the U.S. Department of Defense have a deal for you. It's getting ready to sell 1.4 pounds of high-quality compost out of Fort Lewis, in what is being called the biggest compost sale ever through the government's surplus liquidation site. The auction starts Friday... read more →
Millions of Americans bought TV's just in time for the Super Bowl, and now thousands are returning them. That's creating a huge secondary market and could mean some serious savings for you. At's warehouse in Plainfield, they're receiving nearly 500 returned TV's a day, that's on top of their... read more →
Over the span of five days, the 1950s-era fire-tugboat, recently decommissioned after decades of service at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point, went from an opening bid of $150 to a final, winning bid of $203,000, following a last-minute bidding war that extended the auction 15 minutes. The auction was conducted... read more →
Bargain hunters score big when governments give up equipment they bought for plans that never panned out. But officials say that they're the winners -- and that moving to online auctions lowers sale costs, creates a larger audience of bidders and brings in cash for items otherwise gathering dust. In... read more →